Thursday, February 4, 2010


LUO LAOSHI DIDN"T GIVE ME ANY PRIOR NOTICE!!! AND SHE SAID I WOULD HAVE TO GO FOR HER CHINESE SUPPLEMENTARY. i already had a chinese tuition so no urgent need to...I have made up my mind not to go. Even if its compulsory, i wouldn't. Every week is so meaningless and fast-paced. Its not ' time and tide waits for no man' , Its ' Everybody waits for no jumper.""

SO TIRING. everyday, its either TUITION OR CCA OR PIANO.

WED: PIANO( not to mention need to play for the cute little kiddos at church on occasion)
THURS: MATH TUITION.( and if luo laoshi makes it compulsory, then i have to go for this chinese thingy.
SAT: saturdays are the worst. MORNING is choir. AFTERNOON is 2 hours of tuition.almost immediately after is 3 hours of CHURCH CELL GROUP.
SUN: church and go grandmama hse....


Monday, January 25, 2010

the pinnacle

Juniors are adorable. well not all of them but the majority yea...This year's batch is a little pitchy...they can't really get the right pitch. Always a little sharp or flat... Nvrm:) takes time anyway...and they a little shy but most are nice guys:D

Actually i think my title of this post is very random but...hai...dun care lar. Its the first word to come into my random mind.

Lets talk aout life. Pretty alright:) not like the classic one-respect 09 but i kind of like my class. Better than some:) Studies are tolerable... so far good test results for test subjects....except chinese. Failed the book test miserably. 22/50. and i actually studied :(((( english and math blah blah are

Monday, January 11, 2010

Nothing out of the blue today. Boring. Went to visit my sick friend. Yitian. Then went for tuition. Missed CCA and auditions for it.


Saturday, January 9, 2010


I don't know why, but i have a tendency to judge something at first sight. The judgement is usually highly inaccurate of course but i just can't help it. I first thought that my class is brimming with bad boys. and that they'll hate make everyone hate everyone or something...haha..being paranoid at the start of the year...:) I really like most of my new buddies. Lychee and is just plain cute and friendly while most ppl are nice guys and girls.

I can't wait for my junior in choir. Mr Toh said that they show promise for nub sec ones. Sec ones seriously look so...ADORABLE...feel like squeezing them:) Sad..the Italy trip may just have been cancelled due to the stupid financial crisis. No one to blame tho:) But that would be a real sucky end for the sec fours. I feel that half the cca is gone when the sec fours leave...they are seriously a very talented, very unique, very powerful and very dedicated bunch.

I didn't post much this days yea...i noe...cause i couldn't slot in the time to blog. Blogging is a real time-consuming process. I didn't facebook either. Bit boring...not that i think that facebook is "fartbook" as my friend put it, but i'm just not addicted to it. Good thing too...

Love ya class:) and love ya choir:) ( feel like stuffing chopsticks up the noses of the nub sec ones who said choir is gay, but nevermind, i'm a nice guy i won't do that.)

Miss u 1-respect 2009. The best class in my entire life. Won't forget the happie memories. Won't forget the bestest friends i ever had. U guys shaped me into what i am now.